Mouth Simulator 44AA

  •  Part Number: 44AA
     Category: GRAS Sound & Vibration
  •  View: 531
     Status: Available
  • GRAS 44AA Mouth Simulator is a sound source that simulates the sound field around the human mouth at close quarters and complies with the Standards IEEE 269 and CCITT P.51.

  • Sale Price: Liên hệ
Product Information

1. Introduction

At the mouth reference point (MRP), which is 25 mm from the detachable lip ring (35 mm from the mouth of the GRAS 44AA/AA-1), the maximum continuous signal it can produce in ⅓-octave bands is 100 dB re. 20 µPa in the frequency range of 100 Hz to 16 kHz. Its loudspeaker accepts an external signal either directly or via its own built-in power amplifier (when power is applied).

Jigs are included for calibration according to CCITT P.51 and IEEE 269. These are for use with 1/4in or 1/2in microphones. One jig holds the microphone at 0º incidence (1/4in only) to the sound source, the other at 90º incidence (1/4in or 1/2in).

NOTE: This type of mouth simulator can not be mounted inside a KEMAR head.

2. Specifications

ITU-T recommondations


Connector type


IEEE standard


Input impedance


Maximum power, continuous

Maximum power, pulsed 2 sec. 50W

Dải nhiệt độ làm việc

10 tới 35 °C



Input signal, max.



Tuân thủ CE/RoHS/WEEE registered



Built-in power amplifier

Maximum continuous output level at MRP [200 Hz - 6 kHz] 110 dB re. 20 μPa

Maximum continuous output level at MRP [100 Hz - 16 kHz] 100 dB re. 20 μPa

Distortion 250 Hz - 8 kHz (Linear signal @ 94 dB at MRP) typically 1 %, max. 1.5 %

3. Download

Datasheet 44AA-AB

4. Contact

Unit 2209, Golden Park Tower, 2 Pham Van Bach Street, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay District, Ha Noi, Vietnam

cell: +84 90 336 8648


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