GRAS 46AE 1/2" CCP Pressure Standard Microphone Set

  •  Part Number: 46AE
     Category: GRAS Sound & Vibration
  •  View: 2216
     Status: Available
  • GRAS 46AE 1/2" CCP Free-field Standard Microphone Set, High Sensitivity

    Freq range: 3.15 Hz to 20 kHz
    Dyn range: 17 dB(A) to 138 dB
    Sensitivity: 50 mV/Pa

    IEC 61672 Class 1
    Use: For general acoustic diagnostics

  • Sale Price: Liên hệ
Product Information

1. Introduction

The 46AE is a free-field microphone set and as such optimized for all acoustic applications, where the location of the main sound source is known and the microphone can be pointed directly at it ensuring 0° incidence.

The wide frequency range makes it ideal for general acoustic diagnostics. 46AE conforms with IEC 61094 WS2F and IEC 61672 Class 1.

Regarding temperature range, see the Specifications. Should higher temperature limits be required, we recommend the GRAS 146AE 1/2" CCP Free-field Rugged Microphone Set which can be used up to 125 °C.

A front-vented version is available, 46AE-FV 1/2" CCP Free-field Front Vented Microphone Set.


2. Key Features

2.1. Design

The GRAS 46AE is a high-performance standard microphone set. In our clean-room environment the set is assembled and sealed with a label. However, the microphone set can be dismounted, if you wish to use the components separately.

The microphone cartridge is the high-quality IEC  61094 WS2P standardized GRAS 40AE 1/2" Prepolarized Free-field Microphone, High Sensitivity, designed for long-term reliability in multiple environments.  The high sensitivity and reliability have made 40AE the preferred measurement microphone for sound level meters/analyzers with CCP-option and, as such, enables IEC 61672 Class 1 measurements.

The preamplifier is the GRAS 26CA Preamplifier which is inclusive TEDS and based on our well-known circuit board substrates. In the industry these are famous for their low self-noise, wide frequency and excellent slew rate performance.

2.2. Compability

To perform as specified, the GRAS 46AE microphone set requires a constant current input module that can deliver 4 mA and 24 V unloaded CCP voltage supply. If the constant current supply is lower, the capability of driving long cables is reduced and consequently the upper frequency is reduced. If the voltage supply is lower it will influence the upper dynamic range.

The microphone set is terminated with a BNC connector. Cables with BNC connectors of various types and lengths are available in standard as well as customized lengths.

The 46AE is delivered with Generation II TEDS. The calibration data is programmed into the built-in TEDS according to IEEE 1451.4 using UDID I27-0-0-0U. If your measurement platform supports Transducer Electronic Data Sheets you will be able to read and write data like properties and calibration data.

Generation II TEDS chip (DS2431) may require updated system software.

2.3. System verification

The functionality of TEDS is very useful to determine which microphone is connected to which input channel. However, it is not a check of whether the microphone is within specifications or not. For daily verification and check of your measurement setup, we therefore recommend using a sound source like the GRAS 42AG Sound Calibrator.

For proper sensitivity calibration we recommend using a reference sound source like the GRAS 42AP Intelligent Pistonphone.

2.4. Service

Should you by mistake damage the diaphragm on a GRAS microphone we will in most cases be able to exchange it at a very reasonable cost and short turn-around time. This not only protects your investment but also meets your quality assurance department since you do not have to worry about new serial numbers etc.

2.5. Calibration

When leaving the factory, all GRAS microphones have been calibrated in a controlled laboratory environment using traceable calibration equipment. Depending on the use, measurement environment and internal quality control programs we recommend that the microphone is recalibrated at least once a year.

We offer two kinds of calibration as an optional after-sales service: GRAS Traceable Calibration and GRAS Accredited Calibration.

GRAS Traceable Calibration is a traceable calibration performed by trained personnel under controlled conditions according to established procedures and standards. This is identical to the rigorous calibration that all GRAS microphones are subjected to as an integral part of our quality assurance.

GRAS Accredited Calibration is performed by the GRAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory that has been accredited in accordance with ISO 17025 by DANAK, the Danish Accreditation Fund.

If you want a new microphone set delivered with an accredited calibration in stead of the default factory calibration, specify this when ordering.

3. Specifications



0 V / CCP

Frequency range (±1 dB)

5 Hz to 10 kHz

Frequency range (±2 dB)

3.15 Hz to 20 kHz

Dynamic range w/ GRAS CCP preamplifier

17dB (A) to 138dB

Set sensitivity

50 mV/Pa (-26 dB re 1V/Pa)

Output impedance

< 50 Ω

Output Voltage Swing, min. @ 24-28 V CCP voltage supply

8 Vp

Power supply min. to max.

2 to 20 mA

Power supply min. to max. (single/balanced)


DC bias voltage, typ.

12 V

Microphone venting

Rear (Front on request)

IEC 61094-4 Designation


Temperature range, operation

-30 to 85 °C

Temperature range, storage

-40 to 85 °C

Temperature coefficient @250 Hz

-0.01 dB/°C

Static pressure coefficient @250 Hz

-0.01 dB/kPa

Humidity range non condensing

0 to 90 % RH

Humidity coefficient @250 Hz

-0.001 dB/% RH

Influence of axial vibration @1 m/s²

62 dB re 20 µPa



Connector type

CE/RoHS compliant/WEEE registered




33 g

Dimension 84 x 13.2 mm
Typical frequency response








Free-field corrections for different angles of incidence








4. Download

46AE Datasheet

5. Contact

Unit 2209, Golden Park Tower, 2 Pham Van Bach Street, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay District, Ha Noi, Vietnam

tel.: +84 (24) 38229808

fax: +84 (24) 38229553

cell: +84 90 336 8648
