APx52x Audio Analyzer

  •  Part Number: APx52x
     Category: AP Audio Analyzers
  •  View: 2293
     Status: Available
  • APx52x B Series Modular Two- and Four- Channel Performance Audio Analyzer.  The ideal balance of analog performance and breadth of digital I/O

  • Sale Price: Liên hệ
Product Information

1. Introduction

The B Series APx525 is a two-channel audio analyzer for R&D engineers and production technicians who want fast and easy audio testing, but who may not need the ultra-high performance of AP’s APx555 nor require the multichannel capability of the APx585.

Versatility in I/O
APx525 has two balanced and two unbalanced analog inputs and outputs plus 216k digital inputs and outputs via AES/EBU, TOSLINK and SPDIF. APx526 is the four-channel version of the APx525, developed for the four channel head units typical of the automotive audio industry.

Additionally, I/O may be expanded with optional Digital Serial (APx525 and APx526), HDMI + ARC (APx525), PDM (APx525 and APx526) and Bluetooth (APx525 and APx526) modules. Additionally, the optional Advanced Master Clock (AMC) module handles input and output clock signals to synchronize the APx52x Series with external equipment (or vice versa), and the AMC also enables jitter generation and analysis (in conjunction with Advanced Digital, Digital Serial or PDM modules).

2. Features

2.1. Multiple Simulaneous Input Types

APx500 software release version 6.0 brings the multi-input capability to APx, allowing engineers to activate a second input type on any APx modular audio analyzer, or APx515 analyzer, and make measurements simultaneously on analog and digital signals. This new capability, paired with the highest channel count and widest range of digital I/O available, provides APx users critical cross-domain insight and the opportunity to reduce testing time. Watch a Multi-Input Demonstration

2.2. Transfer Function

The introduction of v5.0 software added the ability to measure the transfer function of electronic audio and electroacoustic devices. The transfer function measurement provides the complex frequency response function for a device, including the magnitude and phase (or real and imaginary components), using any broadband signal. This feature, a powerful addition to APx software’s Sequence Mode, allows any APx analyzer to be used as a multichannel dynamic signal analyzer or as a so called dual-channel FFT analyzer. With transfer function and any broadband signal, including speech, music, or noise, APx users can now assess the complex frequency response, coherence, and impulse response of their device or system. AP’s transfer function provides gapless and overlapped analysis of multiple acquisitions. It also includes a ground-breaking signal-based triggering that eliminates the need for a pilot tone in open-loop test applications, making it ideal for test of “smart” audio devices.

2.3. Open-Loop Chirp

With release v4.6, APx500 software supports open-loop measurements using the logarithmically-swept sine, or chirp, test signal. This signal provides multiple, high-resolution results in a brief period of time and now APx users can employ the chirp in test scenarios where the signal may originate, or terminate, as a file on the device under test (DUT) or on a server connected to the DUT. This new capability is especially helpful to those developing smart devices (e.g., smart speakers, smartphones).

2.4. Jitter Analysis

Jitter in digital audio systems may cause audible distortion in the form of jitter sidebands in the output signal. Jitter tolerance testing can reveal jitter induced distortion but is often neglected in the design of circuits and components because it is difficult and time consuming. Audio Precision APx analyzers provide jitter generation and jitter analysis features to simplify jitter testing.

2.5. Code-Free Automation and a Complete API

APx500 Measurement Software is the most advanced audio measurement interface available. Complex procedures that include user prompts, limits, and calls to external applications can be created directly in the GUI, saving time and money while ensuring painless updates over time, as no development is required.

Create custom interfaces and application-to-application automation using the comprehensive APx API. Extensive documentation and examples are provided for Visual Basic.NET, C#, MATLAB, LabVIEW, and Python. Projects and automation can be shared with other APx units anywhere in the world.

2.6. Common Software Platform

From a practical perspective, APx audio analyzers use a common software platform, making tests and results easier to share. All settings for a test are saved in a single project file, making it easy to replicate test setups between R&D and production facilities anywhere in the world. Project files are compatible with both B Series and Legacy APx instruments and each project is self-contained, so there’s never any worry about dependencies or broken links. Users can even embed waveform files and images within a project file.

For sharing measurement results with customers, contract manufacturers or management, APx automatically generates rich graphic reports, with highlighted pass / fail limits and options to export as PDF, HTML, Excel, CSV, RTF or MATLAB files.

2.7. Digital Protocol Analysis 

Modern consumer devices such as televisions, Blu-ray players, and receivers typically use a digital interface such as S/PDIF, Toslink, HDMI to transmit audio signals. In addition to the digital audio data, these interfaces also carry auxiliary information about the audio signal, metadata. The APx Metadata monitors decode and display metadata values as they are received from the device under test.

3. Thông số kỹ thuật chính



Residual THD+N (20 kHz BW)

–105 dB + 1.4 µV

Typical <–108 dB (1 kHz, 2.5 V)

Typical <–110 dB (1 kHz, 2.5 V - với tùy chọn AG52)





Sine Frequency Range:  

0.1 Hz to 80.1 kHz

Frequency Accuracy:  

2 ppm

IMD Test Signals:  


Maximum Amplitude (balanced):  

21.21 Vrms

Amplitude Accuracy: 

±0.03 dB

Flatness (20 Hz–20 kHz):  

±0.008 dB

Analog Output Configurations:

unbalanced, balanced

Digital Output Sampling Rate:  

27 kS/s to 200 kS/s;

27 kS/s to 108 kS/s Optical

Dolby / dts Generator:  

Yes (encoded file)





Maximum Rated Input Voltage:  

230 Vpk

Maximum Bandwidth:  

>90 kHz

>1MHz (với tùy chọn BW52)

IMD Measurement Capability:  


Amplitude Accuracy (1 kHz):  

±0.03 dB

Amplitude Flatness (20 Hz–20 kHz):  

±0.008 dB

Residual Input Noise (20 kHz BW):  

≤1.3 µV

Individual Harmonic Analyzer:  


Max FFT Length:  

1248K points

DC Voltage Measurement:  



4. Videos

4.1. Introduction to APx Audio Analyzer


5. Download

APx52xB Datasheet 

APx500 Audio Analyzer Series Comparision Sheet

6. Contact

Unit 2209, Golden Park Tower, 2 Pham Van Bach Street, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay District, Ha Noi, Vietnam

tel.: +84 (24) 38229808

fax: +84 (24) 38229553

cell: +84 90 336 8648

email: tuonglam@syscovn.com

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